What began as a simple desire to make our own ice cream grew into the realization of a dream we didn’t even know we had. We started Haleakala Creamery to be part of the local food movement, and to create a beautiful lifestyle to share with our children.
We started by selling our caramel sauces on the side of the road, and have since grown into a full-scale goat dairy specializing in the production of Goat Caramel, “Goatlato” and Chèvre from our own farm kitchen in Kula.
The farm began with our first goat in 2011, who was given to us from a neighbor as a reward for finding their lost dog. We were determined to make a milker out of her, but quickly learned that she was a mountain goat not suited for dairy production. As new farmers, we were constantly learning!
Since then, our herd has grown to over 50 goats. Every farm needs its full complement of animals, and ours is no different. We now have several working farm dogs, two horses, three mouse-hunting cats, and numerous chickens. We feel incredibly blessed to be living on Maui, and are thrilled to be sharing our family farm’s products with Hawaii residents and visitors alike.
Aloha from Rebecca and Family
Meet our Farm Family